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About us

  本公司前身为北京魔法设计工作室,拥有10余人的设计团队,6年来一直致力于各个行业的产品推广,品牌塑造.与国内众多知名企业有多年合作.仅马连道茶城合作的有100余家.现本公司拥有印刷厂一个,纸制品加工厂一个.专业的印刷设计包装一条龙服务.将会为您的企业增砖贴瓦.让您如虎添翼. 包装部承接:Packing Dept. Service: 手机盒All kinds of package boxes for mobile phone 月饼礼盒All kinds of package boxes for moon cakes 茶叶礼盒All kinds of package boxes for tea 礼品盒All kinds of top quality gift boxes 各种领带包装盒All kinds of package boxes for ties 化妆品包装盒All kinds of boxes for makeup 酒类包装盒All kinds of package boxes for wine 药品包装盒All kinds of package boxes for medicine, etc 印刷部承接:Printing Dept. Service: 各种画册请柬All kinds of top quality albums and invitations 各种封套、手提袋All kinds of covers and hand bags 各种海报,彩页All kinds of posters and color paper 各种防伪标签、演唱会门票 All kinds of anti-fake label and ticket to vocal concert 高中档菜谱Top/intermediate quality menu 各种四色,单色彩印活等。 All kinds of four-color/mono-color printing, etc